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365 Collection

Lucky Jefferson’s 365 Collection features works that transcend theme, style, and genre. Please enjoy the works selected.

The Park

sounds just like a baby

sighing in his sleep


our connection
Over Whatsapp is spotty as the internet is eaten by sharks


never crossing Halsted Street into strange, unfamiliar neighborhoods because I know the boundaries of...


the steam and gas locomotives still
Hiss as if they’re remembered

Snail Paths

We rose to the  forest wishing us  away, asking us to go back to...

Do you remember me,

I ask. 

My words, dripping with fleeting hope, like honey from a baby’s chin.

Garden Plot Eviction

We noticed how most of the plots looked like poodles, overheard gardeners compare the...


most of my friends never 
met their fathers.


My mother still beads adhans into a rosary at the minaret

Wish List

I want a crown of daisies & seeds of joy that will Insha Allah...


float inside you, fondle your hear

Love is a Fish

I remember that Halmoni was the first person to call me a bitch.


i will peel the orange for you and in the moment you hold the...

Last Rites

Billions of snakes

deep throating themselves into oblivion.


Mountains can block clouds, peak so high rain can’t climb them

Last Summer

she squints, pausing only to wipe the sheen from her black brow


a selkie diving again and again

into the Irish sea


“We have time,” I say. “That’s just the warning bell.


a big box of squeeze and buttons and squeaky noises

Cape Town

There are words in the English language that are especially beautiful


silver marching, a promenade of paper plates.

Phantom Limb

The psychic tells me I’ve lived

many lives on many planets.


every hue of green reminds me/like placid drop of memory

In Pieces

broken toys, syllables of a harvest moon

A Nice Boy

“What is the nature of your visit?”    “Ve arr nut visiteeng. Ve arr...

McKinney Falls

I love them, their blue stickish torsos and jaunty meanderings

An attempt

I run from the wound causing

mayhem along the causeway of my mind

The Boogeyman

These wounds will bubble over
and grow, running in the streets
consuming. Everything.


When body is considered landscape and maps are considered time, we can feel what...

Flip-Up Day

That year we learned. D’Nealian forms; the tinny reek of Salisbury steak, the scorched...


After we’d killed the deer out on the highway the cows would stop me...

Green Room

I used to think a green room was where jealous people went


It’s the part of farming he despises, which is why he leaves it to...

dear diary

            her mother asked…

“does he smell arab?”


yet in a sound of great washing like upward rain up they all go...

Stone fruit

pitted, laying long like a twig. And I think of God, of all things

Chinese Cabbages

She was only skin and bone,
and could not even swallow rice porridge


I had listened to their Romani ćhib and coded slang from the borrowed van we’d made...


when I was a boy          the side of a cardboard...


“pay attention! look about!
all this precious plenitude
is headed for the drain.”


All we seem to grow are twigs! They need sun. Of course, they need...


we will not
see when morning
sun melts it.


low hum
door slam

This Way Or That

standing there – patiently – as if amused that the fire could spread this...

Vegetable Archive

julienning my hands, trying to pickle nineteen-years-old among white malt and “what’s your major...


after swallowing exclamation points
that might have made life better.

Planted for Me

toes dipped in cool water,
my hair wisping in the breeze.


The leaves like wrapping paper               Hollow sound...


Everything is new to the touch New friends, new skills, new world Little fingers,...


vigorous, the electric bulge beats
against the screen, wings intent


We fought long about the piano, what to do? How do you get it...


The sun is nice today. Soothing rays, raspy cartwheels whisker


the Sun only rises for the rich. I suspect this because I ride the...


Her fortune read, “You will travel to many exotic places,”…

Summer Bodies

We looked for ourselves in jazz clubs planted in unfinished basements

to be complete

to be completely honest, there are those days when i want to pour vodka...


As I walk through a collective field of souls I wonder what there is...

Good morning

Isobel wakes up earlier than usual today. Still, under the blanket, she watches the...

Train Town

To their ears it’s a nuisance, but to mine, it’s a comfort


So I shall arise
And return
To my mother’s house.

no exit

I am my own tapeworm, stuck inside myself.


The film wrapped. His visa expired, but he remained by faking a British accent...

Hero’s Journey

Your first words, first steps trembling on uncertain ground become false teeth and a...


I know my bags were filled     with scraps of anger     still sharp...

Bike Ride

You didn’t plan on icy rain
touching your skin so unpleasantly.
So rudely, really.

Want vs. need

Oh if I had succeeded if I had had my wish we never would...

Father and Son

“Tell me, son, Are you afraid of the dark?” “No, But I am afraid...

The Forgetting

Mouth wide, bloody and pleading, palms extended, my need is ugly and unrelenting.


Suppose I said the words “dinner time” and I wrote the words “chicken piccata”

just once

i’d like to hear the repentance of a devastator broadcast to the world live...

Vapor Gold

Burning bright, making heat, it makes sense now

Sunset Poem

I still write about sunsets. Mundane as it is, the closest I have ever...

The Radiologist

I still remember the day I sat on a padded bench among other women


Tipping Catch it up frontSplit-second eye contactSo much stuffedIn two tiny orbs True person...

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