just once


i'd like to hear the repentance of a devastator broadcast to the world live and direct from his deathbed

i’d like to hear
the repentance
of a devastator
broadcast to the world
live and direct
from his deathbed

nothing fancy
just a verbal uttering
rife with the open sores of slashed forests
or the cancer of a dammed river

nothing you could put a spin on
just something real
like the sadness
of an asphalted pasture
or the final choke
from the last of its kind

Climbing Sun is a world and inner traveler, body-surfer, engineer, teacher, and poet born in Michigan, raised in Ohio, and educated in Florida, who continues to design structures in South Florida and California where he was based for four decades.

He has taught poetry in elementary and junior high schools. He is the author of two chapbooks and a novel. He holds a Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree from the University of Florida and maintains a poetry blog.

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